
I wonder how many people did a blog post on this? My guess is that every blogger that is still in school did! So school’s tough, tougher than it was last year. By a lot. (I’m going to have to talk to my teacher about this! 😀 )  I think one of my problems is that I have a to-do list for the weekend, things on my today list are things like unpack from Arizona and planning my homework for next week! Unpacking from Arizona has been on my list ever since we got back. Every weekend I do basically nothing, so during the week I have all these things that are just hanging over my head. What really cracks me up is when my friends tell me that they hate math tests. I had a math test today. I was so thankful to have one because of these reasons:

1. On my tests they have ten less problems than my homework.

2. All the problems in them are problems from the 5 lessons, so I know how to do them pretty well.

3. For some strange and unknown reason I always finish my tests really fast.

So do want to know about what subjects I’m taking? No? Too bad ’cause I’m going to tell you!!! 😀

Advanced Math- I like math pretty well, but sometimes I hate it. Sometimes I get into a groove and then I really love it. For me, when I’m in a good mood, I think about math problems as puzzles. When I’m in a bad mood I think of math problems as stupid.

French 1- This one is complicated, it’s online so my mom isn’t teaching me. I like and I don’t at the same time. She gives a lot of homework. I mean a lot. I just now finished taking a test and it wasn’t too bad but now I have five or six pages of homework to finish soon. It is fun, I do like it but this is the class that stresses me out the most.

History- This gives out the most homework besides French. History is always fun, because of the huge amounts of reading and writing that comes with it. The only bad part is remembering stuff. don’t get me wrong, I have a good memory for some stuff, like I can remember stuff from when I was four or five, I can remember lines from movies, and I can memorize poems and scripts. Just for some reason I can never remember the stuff I read in history. Right now we are in the Salem witch trials, I’m reading The Crucible. I read books about witchcraft and spells and I like them, they usually have a good plot, (Harry Potter, etc..) but The Crucible is just plain dumb, everyone’s just trying to pin the blame on someone else. I like reading it only because it’s in a play form and because it’s a book.

Logic- Eww. I don’t like my teacher. (He isn’t my mom!) I have a textbook and a few DVDs of the lessons. He is SO incredibly boring, he is just reading off his notes, (He doesn’t remember what he’s teaching.) and he makes the simplest things really complicated and I would know. This is the third time that I’ve tried to complete a year of Logic. I’m taking it with my sister because it’s time for her to take it as well. So right now I already know the stuff he’s teaching, which is good because it means I don’t have to take notes, and I can help Faith when she gets stuck, but I hate it because of him. ( Piper- he’s almost as bad as Dr. Wile!!) I do plan on finishing it this year so next year I won’t have to take it again, but it depends on how much he irritates me. One stellar thing is, remember how I said I can remember from when I was four or five, I can remember what I wrote for the homework two years ago so I even know what to write!!!

Literature- I like this class pretty well. It’s got lots of reading and writing and not too much homework. It’s got different things in it, like one of my books is on writing essays, which I like because I almost had to write an essay before summer and I found out that I didn’t know how. ( Turns out I was too young to apply there anyway, so next year I’ll write the essay!)

Biology- Right now we are studying cells. I have not taken Chemistry. I’m not looking forward to Chemistry because it doesn’t make sense to me. I’m looking forward to when we get to Human Anatomy, oh and by the way if I finish Biology and I still hate it, then I’m going to think of another job that I want.

I think that’s everything, I have some pictures of school, but I’ll post them later because if I try to post them now then I won’t get it posted until next weekend. (The pictures take too long to load!) Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!


Marc 16:15   Allez par tout le monde, et prêchez la bonne nouvelle à toute la création. (This is a bible verse that I memorized for french class, it’s really fun to say in french!! Bye! ) 😀


  5 comments for “School

  1. gagu
    September 23, 2012 at 4:59 pm

    Way to go Emmie! Sounds like you are off to a great school year.
    I am impressed with you taking French, for some reason Spanish seems more natural to take, at least for me. French really is GREEK!
    I am almost finished with the Hobbit book so if you think of it, tell your mom I would like to try the first of The Lord of the Rings books.
    I liked the Hobbit, but I do not want to see the movie–too many weird things to look at I am sure.
    Hugs to you, gagu

  2. Greytawnyowl
    September 23, 2012 at 8:55 pm

    😀 Just curious, what book are you using for Logic?

    When you do take chemistry, I can try and help explain it if you want. My sister thought I explained it well. 🙂

    Yay! You’re taking French, too. 😀

  3. Em
    September 23, 2012 at 11:09 pm

    Thanks Gagu! I would have done Spanish but I feel like too many people are already taking it. I also believe that although it would help in the sense that I can understand people who don’t speak English, I think that they should learn English. ( There are too many people, in my personal opinoin, that don’t speak English.) I just told my mom and she says that you are reading too fast and she is going to take you to see the movie anyway, mabye I’ll go too because I want to see the movie.

  4. Em
    September 23, 2012 at 11:14 pm

    G.T. Owl,
    Merci! I’d love to have you help me with it! Did your sister already take Chem? I’m not sure exactly when it is that I’ll be taking it, but surely in the next few years. Did you enjoy Chemistry?

    Introductory Logic, for christian and home schools, by James B. Nance and Douglas J. Wilson. Does this sound familiar to you? 😀

  5. Greytawnyowl
    September 24, 2012 at 8:13 pm

    I’m taking Chemistry this year, along with my sister. 😀 I’m understanding it a lot better this time through, at least orbitals and bonds and so on.

    😀 That was my logic book! I definitely had a suspision…

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