My name is Emily. My favorite colors are blue, grey, and green. I’m a graduate student. I was a biochemistry undergraduate and am now a biomedical sciences graduate student. My love for photography is a constant interest, although classes and studying often don’t leave time for it.
I swam throughout childhood, competitively for 12 years, and then 3 years into my college career.
Whenever I’m on break, I spend my time most often in one of the following habits: reading almost any fiction book, baking and cooking, training for either swim or running, sewing or crafting whenever possible, and many other hobbies.
The topics I most often waste time daydreaming about on study breaks are: owning a giant personal library of old books mixed in with my favorite books, living in France or at least visiting again, or running a small-town bookstore.
Feel free to leave a note, I’m always open to new connections and hearing from other bloggers.
Great pictures of you, Em. Piper is a good friend and photograher.
Good Bio of yourself. Love gagu
I loved reading your bio, so interesting! 🙂 What kind of dance did you study?
Hi! Thanks for commenting!
I used to do tap and ballet. I tried a little bit of jazz and hip hop, but I never actually took the classes! 😉
I loved reading this Emily! You’re so pretty! I especially loved picture #4. Go Biola! 😀
I’m still proud of my scars too. 😉 There’s the one from making cookies and burning myself on the pan (that was like three years ago) and the one from sliding out of a tree and scraping my skin on the bark…from the iron…from stitches… 🙂
I’m a girly tomboy and clean and organized gardener/disaster type of person too! 🙂
I really like your ‘about’ page! Really nice pictures! You’re so pretty!
Oh, and I love running too (though I’m not on a team or anything)!
Wow Sarah! We’re so much alike! I just love running!! It makes me feel so free or something!
Hahahaha scars are the best! 😉 Painful at the time, worth it later!
Aww, thank you! <3
Yes, exactly, it makes me feel free too! 😀
Hahaha, yep! 😉