DIY Necklace

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This is a simple, but gorgeous (in my mind) necklace that is very simple to make! Guys, if you have never been in Michael’s before then you need to! It’s one of the best craft stores ever… Anyways, I was given a set of three little glass bottles for Christmas last year that I think you can get at Michael’s or another craft store. I also used a long chain and clasp, and I used a container of red glitter.

So all you have to do is use jeweler’s tools to attach the chain to the cork and attach the clasp to the chain. Then pour a little glitter into the jar, or anything else! You could add little rhinestones into the jar, tiny pebbles if they fit. Have fun with different experiments of what to put in the jar! Then put a small amount of glue on the cork and seal the bottle that best you can to keep the glitter inside the jar and not on your clothes.

Let me know if you make one or if you can spend two hours in a craft store! 😉


P.S. The book in the picture is The Illustrated Jane Eyre. I loved that book. I recently watched the movie too! <3