Liebster Award!


Liebster Award Rules:

Acknowledge the blog that nominated you { A Free Mind }

Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger created.

List 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers that deserve some recognition.

Post 11 questions for them to answer.

Notify them that they have been awarded.

Ok! Sarah’s questions are:

l. Why is the sky blue? Because blue’s my favorite color!

ll. If you were suddenly attacked by seven green aliens in the middle of Sahara Dessert what weapon would you want most? A light saber for sure!

lll. If the book closest to you were real and you could eat chocolate all day without getting fat would you ride the Gigantic Squirrel? YES!!!!

lV. Do you like math? Why or why not? Yes, I like math usually. Because it’s a bunch of puzzles that you can solve. I only don’t like it when I can’t solve that puzzle.

V. Have you read The World of Pooh (unabridged) by A. A. Milne? No, I haven’t.

Vl. Who is one of your favorite authors? Ummm… I like Chris Wooding.

Vll. Favorite subject in school? Uh… pssh, I don’t know. I enjoy bits of everything!

Vlll. Are you home schooled? If you aren’t, did you ever wish you were? And if you are, did you ever wish you weren’t? Yup! I’m homeschooled and yes, when I was younger I wanted to go to school so I’d get a school desk.

lX. Do you like old or more recent Disney movies? Why? Old Disney, because new Disney is all about relationships.

X.  How do you usually start conversations with strangers? – Do you have any tricks to keep the talking going? I don’t talk to strangers and you shouldn’t either! But if it’s someone I know is ok, but I don’t know yet: I start with names, ages, grades (these obviously for the younger peeps) and school and stuff. Usually someone mentions something I know and we’ll talk about that.

Xl. If you had a horse (or if you do) what would you name it? Philippe, Rae, Ismae, or something to do with the horse. 

My questions for you guys are:

1. What would you do if you found yourself on an island and nobody else was there?

2. Would you rather live in an igloo or a treehouse? (both can be as awesome or as awful as you want)

3. What animal would you want to have as your pet in it had to be imaginary?

4. Are you an introvert or extrovert?

5. If you had to pack a suitcase that could only fit 7 items, what would you pack for the rest of your life?

6. What time period would you like to live in?

7. If you were given the option and you didn’t have to pass any tests, would you go to the moon or at least into space?

8. Do you wish we had fewer years of school? Why?

9. If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?

10. Top five favorite books or series?

11. If you were a color somehow, which would you be and why?

Aggh, finally! Ok! So I’m not very good at picking people to do these awards. So again I’m just picking you. Seriously though: you can count it as me awarding you, I just don’t know whose done this and who hasn’t.

So there you go! I’m going to write another post right now so that I can post it in the middle of this week. I’m sorry, my little leaders, I have been SO busy with school and swim and stuff, I haven’t gotten to any kind of blogging lately. Of the reading kind or the writing kind. I’ll do my best to read some more blog posts and write some too.

Thanks for sticking with me though.

  2 comments for “Liebster Award!

  1. S.
    September 24, 2013 at 11:24 am

    Thanks for answering my questions! 🙂 I enjoyed reading your answers!! I feel the same way about math… 😀

  2. Em
    September 24, 2013 at 2:33 pm

    Thanks for awarding me!!! 😀

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