
Hey everyone! I’m posting today (I know, finally) on something we’re all doing or have done: School. Since I have no spare time for blogging because of it and that’s now what I think about a lot, I figured I could do a post on school. Maybe I could even do a ‘A Day in the Life of Emily’ post. (When I get the time of course! 😉 )  So anyways these are my classes for this year and this was the first week that I’ve had all of them. (My French classes started finally.) By the way, in case anyone didn’t know: I’m a sophomore in high school.

  • Advanced Math–Pre-Calc & Trig
  • English & Literature {I have several books for these two classes.}
  • French 2 & Conversations {I have two online classes through TPS, one is the actual class and the other is sort of a mid-week ‘remember what you learned Monday?’ sort of thing.
  • Chemistry {I like it, but not the textbook}
  • History {maps, 4 sets of questions, research essays, reading assignments–I love it this year.}
  • Art {Art is always amazing, it’s just a matter of whether or not I feel like drawing or doodling today.}
  • Swim {my P.E. 😉 }

Isn’t it crazy that only 7 things can occupy your brain for hours and for days?! Technically it’s only 5 things because swim and art don’t really require thinking unless you’re actually doing them. I’m going to answer a few typical questions that homeschoolers get. These are just my answers, not necessarily every homeschooler’s answers.

What time do you get up in the morning? I’m up any where from 7:30-8:30 depending on how late I stayed up the night before. Usually I get up at 8.

Do you do stay in your pajamas all day? I don’t like being in my pajamas during the day because it makes me feel like I’m sick and they make me tired too. So no, I don’t, but I could. Also I have to go to swim or sometimes the store, so it’s not like I’m in the house all day.

What time do you start school? Normally 8:30-9 is around when I start.

What time do you finish all your homework? I try to have almost everything done by three, usually I have to do a few things the next morning or after I get back from swim practice.

What is it like having your mom teach you? I like it. I’ve never been in school before, so I haven’t had a whole lot of other teachers, but I like having my mom teach me. She’s always funny and class is always interesting. Sometimes I take a class with my friend, Piper, or a sibling. I was talking with a friend last night and he told me that me slept and listened to music through most of his classes last year. That’s something you can’t do when your mom teaches you. Doodling occasionally? Maybe. But sleeping and listening to music? No. I have fallen asleep in class before, once. Ok, going off on a tangent… 😉

It was in my French class. I felt so bad afterwards, because I have the nicest teacher in the world. In my defense: I never know when I have a fever. Seriously. I cannot tell when I’m sick. I went to class and we had a test, I got an +A somehow and I fell asleep dozing in and out for the rest of class. I still managed to wake up sometimes to answer questions she had asked me, but I wasn’t really awake. Feeling guilty and hot after class I went downstairs and my mom said I looked sick. Had a pretty bad fever and I got the rest of the day off. I still feel bad and I still wonder how I passed the test.

So if you have any questions about homeschooling or about a class or something–just leave a comment. I’m always checking on my blog even if I don’t have enough time to write a post. Until the next time I get a quick break~

  9 comments for “Home+School=Homeschool

  1. September 14, 2013 at 7:24 pm

    Loved hearing about your classes! 🙂 Homeschoolers rock! 🙂 Are you taking the PSAT this year? I took it last year! 🙂


  2. fifi
    September 15, 2013 at 7:02 pm

    (also) we don’t wear our pjs all day because day clothes are SO fun!! =D

  3. September 16, 2013 at 2:40 pm

    I usually get dressed (even if it’s not till 2 in the afternoon) but this past week or so, when I don’t have to go anywhere, I’ve been staying in my pajamas. All. day. long. :p They’re just so much more comfortable. I dread when my favorite sweats need washed. XD

  4. Em
    September 17, 2013 at 12:11 pm

    Thanks Hannah! Yes, homeschoolers are awesome. No, I’m not taking the PSAT this year, but I’m going to try to take the SAT next year. Have you taken the SAT yet?

  5. Em
    September 17, 2013 at 12:12 pm

    Haha, yes Faith! We love clothes way too much to wear pajamas all day.

  6. Em
    September 17, 2013 at 12:13 pm

    Hahaha, Sarah! I know, sometimes usually the weekend, I do that too. Lately, if I stayed in my pj’s I’d just go back to sleep. Plus I love clothes, so I like planning my outfits, but yes pajamas are waaayyy more comfortable!

  7. Anonymous
    September 18, 2013 at 9:52 am

    Me too, I don’t like wearing PJ’s during the say ’cause it makes me feel like I’m sick or really lazy or something! 🙂

  8. Em
    September 18, 2013 at 6:26 pm

    Haha! Yes! 😛

  9. S.
    September 18, 2013 at 11:08 pm

    I awarded you the Liebster Award on my blog!


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