A Little DIY for You


So I have my first little DIY for you today. I don’t have the in between pictures, but I’ll give you the instructions. If you guys try it and have any questions you can ask me and I’ll do my best to answer them!


So first you’ll need a few things:


  • A pretty stone
  • wire (any thickness really, but thin wire is much easier to craft with. Plus with small rocks it looks better.)
  • A jewelry chain link (optional: you canΒ use wire)
  • Jewelry tools (optional: if you use the chain link it’s nice to have them)
  • A chain or leather cord (not shown)
  • You will need a wire cutter (unless you just want to bend the wire back and forth until it breaks)

How to make it:

  1. Take the stone and start wrapping the wire around the stone. Make sure to overlap on top of the loose wire end. Pull the wire end up, through the wires on top of it, and back to keep the end from sliding.
  2. Wrap the wire all around the stone, adding patterns or swirls if you want.
  3. End the wire off in a similar way to starting it by weaving it under other pieces and twisting it into place.
  4. Use your chain link or use loops of wire to attach a section of wire to the chain or leather cord.




This was a birthday gift for my mom. I ever so sneakily made her pick out her favorite stone I brought back from Catalina. So Happy Birthday to her!! And my friend Andrew!! And a coach on my swim team–July 29 is the birthday to have I guess. πŸ˜€ Let me know if you try this!

  2 comments for “A Little DIY for You

  1. August 15, 2013 at 1:21 pm

    So pretty! πŸ˜€ I would like to try crafting with wire, but I’m too lazy to go to the store and buy some πŸ˜›

  2. Em
    August 15, 2013 at 11:36 pm

    Hahaha! Yes! I wouldn’t ever get around to getting some either! I use my dad’s wire. πŸ˜€

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