Photography Tips

I thought I could start a series of posts that I post whenever on my tips for improving your photography. Plus it’d keep a lot of my photography ideas all in one place! Okay, let’s get started:

1. Always charge your camera battery to max before a photoshoot, even if it’s not low yet.

2. Spend a few minutes every once in a while to play with your camera settings. Every time I do that, I find all new settings that make the picture look edited.


3. Same goes for your editing software, play around with it and learn new tricks and tips.

4. If you’re not shooting serious photos, then help make your subject smile. Be funny!

5. Angles, color, and light are your new best friends. Find an object or grab a friend or sibling and practice. I practiced with a chives plant in my room the other day, here are the results:










6. Although at the same time a black and white picture can set a whole new mood.

7. Always take more then one photo of something amazing if you can. I can’t tell you how many seemly great photos I’ve taken have been slightly out of focus. You can probably edit them, but it’s so much easier if it’s just in focus.

8. Challenge yourself. If you normally shoot people, try objects. If you normally shoot objects try people. (Even better: try taking pictures of another photographer, they’ll be able to help you a lot. You won’t have to pose them as much and you’ll start seeing what the pictures should look like.)


Hope these were helpful!!

  3 comments for “Photography Tips

  1. July 30, 2013 at 6:40 pm

    Nice tips! It’s so cool how much perspective and light adds to a picture!

  2. August 2, 2013 at 11:30 pm

    Hi! This is MorningTime4 from “The Ups and Downs of My Not-So-Average Life”. I’ve been looking for photography tips on the internet everywhere. This really helped a lot. Thanks! 🙂

    Stay strong and wonderful,

  3. Em
    August 3, 2013 at 1:37 pm

    Hi, MorningTime! Thank you for commenting!!
    I’m glad you found what you were looking for! 😀 If you have any photography questions, feel free to ask!!
    p.s. I love your blog!!

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