Why I Would Take My Hair to a Guillotine

Technically, I don’t have to considering that hair is already dead, but the idea suits my thought. haha =)

Has anyone else noticed the world’s some people’s obsession with extremely long/short hair? It seems kind of like that everyone wants a type of hair that they don’t have, or a length they can’t gain (whether for the sake of courage to cut it short or plain old ability to grow super long hair). I recently had my hair cut and so this has been on my mind. {Don’t drop your jaw if you know me, I didn’t cut my hair short, I just cut about two inches off.}

Here’s the thing, I’m not going to tell/recommend/suggest any type of hair length or cut, I’m just going to say why long hair is tough. Ok, let me just start because there are so many little “rabbit holes”, as a teacher of mine calls them, that I could get stuck going down…

Why I love long hair:

Perhaps you weren’t expecting me to like long hair due to the title, but it’s true. I love my long hair, I think it helps my face look more feminine and I enjoy being able to tie my hair back to go running before swim practice. I have super-fine long hair and with the correct amounts of conditioner, it’s very soft, so I love it. My hair reaches my waist right now, but it was about two inches longer than that before this last haircut. Some of my friends have teased that it’s like Samson and his not-cutting-his-hair promise from the Bible, but really I have nothing against cutting my hair. The reason I don’t is simply because if I did, I’m not 100% sure I could grow it back to that length. I’m also unsure if short hair would look ok on me.

Why I have phases of wanting to chop my hair off:

Long super-fine hair gets tangled so easily. It may look nice for the first hour after being styled and/or brushed, but afterwards it’s knotted. I promise it is. Certain short hairstyles look so cute and I wish I could try them out. Also, when I cut it back just a little even, it doubles in softness. I have this certain length that I can brush any knot to before it gets stuck in my hair. So I kind of have this daydream that if I cut my hair to this length, that I would essentially never have a knot in my hair again. [People with short hair, feel free to laugh if necessary.] Plus, I’ve always had this want to try spiking my hair, just to see what it looks like. I’m certainly not rebellious, I just want to try it. Haha, and that’s impossible to do so with hair that reaches my waist.

Mainly what I want to say is, either way if you like or want long/short hair – weigh the choices. Short hair can require lots of styling if you have fine hair, just like long thick hair can be difficult to manage. If you want to cut your hair, make sure you think it through all the way so that you don’t regret it. There’s nothing worse than missing those extra inches within the hour of cutting them off. [That actually always happens to me, I have this whole moment of mourning for the lost length before absolutely loving it the next day.]

If you decide to grow it out, I actually have a tip for you: Three steps forward, one step back.

Grow it out a few inches, then cut it back a bit. That way the ends stay even and your hair won’t break at the ends. Being a swimmer (exposed to sun and chlorine a lot), my ends break and tangle really easily, so it’s always nice to cut the ends off. All in all, just take care of your hair and don’t complain about your hair to other people, chances are someone actually wishes they could swap heads with you.

Hope this was helpful or simply amusing to read!


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