June Photo Challenge-Day 17

The theme for today is In Your Bag for the June Challenge. Since I don’t carry a bag anywhere except the library (well sometimes I carry a messenger bag), I’m doing my camera case. For not being a bag, but a case, I have a good amount of things stuffed in it. This was actually a good little adventure for me, I forgot I put some of these things in there!


1. I (duh) have my camera, Metias, in there. 😉 I used him to take the picture so he’s not in it, but that’s my case.

2. I have my camera charger.

3. I have one of those cloths you use to clean your glasses in there for Metias. ( I don’t wear glasses.)

4. I have the rules to a photography contest that happened last summer. (That I didn’t end up entering.)

5. I have little label/sticker things for my camera chips.

6. I have a 100 free prints from Costco coupon.

7. I have an extra camera chip.

8. I have cases for the chips.

9. Last but not least, my camera strap I made from a teal sweatshirt.

Hope you enjoyed that. I have a LOT of pictures from yesterday and the week before, but this is going to be another busy week. The week after this one will be even busier, but I’ll do my best to keep you up to date on my pictures!

{p.s. Tomorrow’s June Challenge is Something We Didn’t Know About You. I had no idea what to post about, but I thought of something. 😉 I could actually do a whole blog series on things you guys don’t know about me. Hey, there’s an idea…}