June Photo Challenge-Day 15

June Challenge theme is…….YELLOW! I have no idea what to take a pic of for this. I don’t own a lot of yellow clothes, I know where some flowers are, but I’m too lazy for that. So I’m going to instead go gather some things I like that are yellow. (or at least a shade of yellow or with a cover that’s yellow. 😀 )

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1. One of my favorite lotions, lemon blossom & basil from Avon’s Naturals. I adore lotions for some reason, I have a little collection in my room.

2. Anonymous notes left in the volunteer notebook at the library saying: Emily! Have a fantabulous day! 🙂 I’m only 80% sure that my friend Colleen wrote that.

3. Little gold chocolates from my grandparents’ cruise. I have a morning ritual of eating one as soon as I wake up.

4. Silly bands. Completely out of style, but still fun. Does anyone else like pulling on them to make chubby animals or smooshing them to make really skinny ones? No? Maybe I’m just weird…

5. The little cars from the awesomest game ever!!! Rush Hour!! It’s a game, but it’s also a puzzle. This game was made for me.

6. Burt’s Bees Beeswax lip balm. My favorite chapstick ever. Probably because it’s one of the few that I’m not allergic to. (Really people, sunscreen in chapstick isn’t a fabulous idea for everyone.)

7. Never too old to read Nancy Drew, you just read them faster.

A post on my roommate soon to come, also one on a dinner I made and some pics of life. Even though all my pictures are of life! 😀

  1 comment for “June Photo Challenge-Day 15

  1. June 15, 2013 at 6:28 pm

    Hi. You commented on my blog earlier today wanting to know a question. You said because you have been following my blog already if that could count for Sarah V?! It does as long as she was the one who lead you to my blog in the first place, and you need to follow me via bloglovin’. In order for it to count. 🙂 Please comment letting me you have done so. Thanks!

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