A Little Sewing Post for You…

So I was going through my clothes last week and I came across this sweater that I bought in Arizona last summer. I realized that I never wear it so I should get rid of it.



I was looking at it closely and I realized that I liked the sweater part, but it was too dressy with the sleeves and collar. So I used one of my best friends to fix this sweater.


This, for anyone who doesn’t know, is a stitch-ripper. At least that’s what I call it, I don’t know if it has a professional name. (I was joking around with my sisters and called it a RipStitch. Like my RipStik. 😀 ) Anyways so I ripped out the seams on the sleeves and the collar. So now it looks like this:

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The way this sweater was made meant that I didn’t have to sew another hem on the sleeves and collar. So in 15 minutes I remade this sweater and I’ve worn it twice since then! There’s a tiny hole in one of the sleeves where I think the RipStitch cut the sweater. So I rolled up the sleeves and now they are three quarter sleeves and I love them!


I was very happy because, as you can tell from this (blurry 😛 ) picture, my new sweater matches my purple pants!!! They don’t look like they match, but they are the exact same shade. This is the only downside to being able to sew, you never get rid of clothes because you can always fix them. 😀

So I hung it up in my closet and I’m looking forward to wearing it more often! BTW I have to show you a picture of my closet out of focus so you can see something.


I have this part of my closet organized by color. I don’t know why I did this. I think every time I put something away or back I put it next to a matching color and it ended up arranged like this? The ends are not organized, you can’t see the right end which is really not organized. Mainly because on the right I keep my dresses and they don’t fit in the middle because I have a dresser under my jackets and sweaters.


I have part of our movie supply on a shelf in my closet in case you were wondering what those were. Yeah, so I’m going to go sew something because I’m on SPRING BREAK!!! YAY! I still have assignments for over break and I still have swim and french and french tests…but I’m on break! Haha!

I have a lot of sewing projects, including the  shirt I still haven’t finished, to work on because both of my grandmas gave me things to work with! I have supplies for fleece blankets which I’m excited to make with my sisters and I have some clothes and material to make and re-make things with!! Happy Easter!!

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